• 张建伟
  • 2024年04月10日 10:01  来源: 点击:[]

  • 张建伟

    张建伟,工学博士,副教授。智能电网系副主任、电气工程专业学位硕士点负责人。澳大利亚悉尼科技大学国家公派博士,英国诺丁汉大学国家公派访问学者。自治区高等学校青年科技英才、人才开发基金获得者。IEEE PES电力电子化电力系统建模与特性分析技术分委会常务理事、内蒙古建筑智能用电安全标准委员会委员。主要从事矩阵变换器、新能源发电与储能、控制等领域的教学研究工作。





































    [1]J. Zhang*,Y. Wang, G. Liu, G. Tian."A Review of Control Strategies for Flywheel Energy Storage System and a Case Study with Matrix Converter,"Energy Reports, 2022(8): 3948-3963.SCI

    [2]张建伟*,曹乔森,常海宸,田桂珍,刘广忱."新能源汽车整流器的抗扰模型预测控制策略研究,"太阳能学报2024, 45(01): 545-551.EI


    [4]王云辉,张建伟*,田桂珍,刘广忱."基于矩阵变换器的飞轮储能模型预测控制策略,"电气工程学报, 2023,网络首发.【中文核心】

    [5]曹乔森,张建伟*,田桂珍,刘广忱."基于直接转矩控制的双矢量直接电压模型预测控制策略,"电气工程学报, 2024,已录用.【中文核心】


    [7]张建伟*,刘庆,田桂珍,刘广忱."飞轮储能系统的充放电复合控制策略与应用研究,"内蒙古工业大学学报(自然科学版)202241(05): 451-457.【科技核心】

    [8]张建伟*,刘广忱."新能源发电技术类课程融入课程思政路径探讨,"新教育时代,2022(49): 99-101.

    [9]张建伟*,王佳宇,"三相直接矩阵变换器模糊滞环控制策略,"电气工程学报, 202116(01)48-54.CSCD

    [10]张建伟*,王磊, "NPC三电平逆变器的变环宽滞环控制策略,"电工技术, 2021(5):11-14.


    [12]J. Zhang*, L. Li, D. G. Dorrell, M. Norambuena, J. Rodriguez, "Predictive Voltage Control of Direct Matrix Converter with Improved Output Voltage for the Renewable Microgrid Applications,"IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics,vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 296-308, 2019.SCI

    [13]J. Zhang*, M. Norambuena, L. Li, J. Rodriguez, D. G. Dorrell, "Sequential Model Predictive Control of Three-Phase Direct Matrix Converter,"Energies,vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 1-14, 2019.SCI

    [14]J. Zhang*, L. Li, D. G. Dorrell, Y. Guo, "Modified PI controller with improved steady-state performance and comparison with PR controller on direct matrix converters,"Chinese Journal of Electrical Engineering,vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 53-66, 2019.CSCD

    [15]J. Zhang*, H. Yang, T. Wang, L. Li, D. G. Dorrell, D.D.C. Lu, "Field-Oriented Control based on Hysteresis Band Current Controller for a Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor driven by a Direct Matrix Converter,"IET Power Electronics, vol. 11, no. 7, pp. 1277-1285, 2018.SCI

    [16]J. Zhang*, L. Li, D. G. Dorrell, Y. Guo, "Decoupling Controller Design and Controllable Regions Analysis for the Space Vector Modulated Matrix Converter-Unified Power Flow Controller in Transmission Systems,"Electric Power Components and Systems, vol. 46, no. 1, pp. 1-14, 2018.SCI

    [17]J. Zhang*, L. Li, D. G. Dorrell, "Control and Applications of Direct Matrix Converters: A Review,"Chinese Journal of Electrical Engineering,vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 18-27, 2018.CSCD


    [1]J. Zhang*, M. Rivera, P. Wheeler, "Alternating Sequential Model Predictive Control of Matrix Converter,”2023 IEEE International Conference on Predictive Control of Electrical Drives and Power Electronics(PRECEDE), Wuhan, China, pp. 1-6, 2023.EI

    [2]J. Zhang*, Y. Wang, Y. Yu, S. Wen, G. Liu, "Indirect Model Predictive Control of Flywheel Energy Storage System based on Matrix Converter,”2023 IEEE International Conference on Predictive Control of Electrical Drives and Power Electronics(PRECEDE), Wuhan, China, pp. 1-6, 2023.EI

    [3]Y. Yu,J. Zhang*, G. Tian, G. Liu, "Alternating Sequential Model Predictive Control of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine,”2023 IEEE International Conference on Predictive Control of Electrical Drives and Power Electronics(PRECEDE), Wuhan, China, pp. 1-4, 2023.EI

    [4]H. Wang,J. Zhang*and G. Liu, "Virtual Synchronous Generator Control Strategy Based on Matrix Converter," 2023 3rd New Energy and Energy Storage System Control Summit Forum (NEESSC), Mianyang, China, pp. 473-477,2023.EI

    [5]J. Zhang*, G.Tian,G. Liu, "Active Disturbance Rejection Decoupling Control of Grid-Connected PWM Converter,”ICPET 2022-The 4th International Conference on Power and Energy Technology, Xining, pp. 1215-1220, 2022.EI

    [6]Y. Wang,J. Zhang*,G. Liu, "Model Predictive Control of Matrix Converter-based Flywheel Energy Storage System,”2021 IEEE International Conference on Predictive Control of Electrical Drives and Power Electronics(PRECEDE), Jinan, China, pp. 819-824, 2021.EI

    [7]Q. Cao,J. Zhang*,G. Tian, "Model Predictive Control of Three-Phase Rectifier for Electric Vehicle Charging,”2021 IEEE International Conference on Predictive Control of Electrical Drives and Power Electronics(PRECEDE), Jinan, China, pp. 915-920, 2021.EI

    [8]J. Zhang*, H. Chang, T. He, N. Zhang, G. Liu,"Virtual Synchronous Generator Controlled Matrix Converter for Grid Integration in Distributed Generation and Microgrid,"IETThe International Conference on Renewable Power Generation (IETRPG), Shanghai, 2019.EI

    [9]J. Zhang*, L. Li, D. G. Dorrell, J. Rodriguez, M. Norambuena, "Investigation of Grid-Connected and Islanded Direct Matrix Converter for the Renewable Microgrid Applications with Model Predictive Control,"2018 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition(ECCE 2018), Oregon, U.S., pp. 4644-4649, 2018.WOS.ISTP/CPCI+EI

    [10]J. Zhang*, L. Li, M. Norambuena, J. Rodriguez, D. G. Dorrell, "Sequential Model Predictive Control of Direct Matrix Converter without Weighting Factors,"44th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society(IECON 2018), Washington, U.S., pp. 1477-1482, 2018.WOS.ISTP/CPCI+EI

    [11]J. Zhang*, L. Li, L. Zhang, D. G. Dorrell, "Hysteresis Band Current Controller based Field-Oriented Control for an Induction Motor driven by a Direct Matrix Converter,"43rd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society(IECON 2017), Beijing, China, pp. 4633-4638, 2017.WOS.ISTP/CPCI+EI

    [12]J. Zhang*, L. Li, T. He, M. M. Aghdam, D. G. Dorrell, "Investigation of Direct Matrix Converter Working as a Versatile Converter (AC/AC, AC/DC, DC/AC, DC/DC Conversion) with Predictive Control,"43rd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society(IECON 2017), Beijing, China, pp. 4644-4649, 2017.WOS.ISTP/CPCI+EI

    [13]J. Zhang*, L. Li, Z. Malekjamshidi, D. G. Dorrell, "Predictive Voltage Control of Direct Matrix Converter with Reduced Number of Sensors for the Renewable Energy and Microgrid Applications,"2017 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition(ECCE 2017), Cincinnati, U.S., pp. 3309-3315, 2017.WOS.ISTP/CPCI+EI

    [14]J. Zhang*, L. Li, D. G. Dorrell, Y. Guo, "Space Vector Modulation based Proportional Resonant Current Controller with Selective Harmonics Compensation for Matrix Converter Systems,"20th International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems(ICEMS2017), Sydney, Australia, 2017.WOS.ISTP/CPCI+EI

    [15]J. Zhang*, L. Li, D. G. Dorrell, Y. Guo, "A PI Controller with Current Feedforward to Improve the Steady-State Error Performance for the Current Controlled Direct Matrix Converter,"20th International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems(ICEMS2017), Sydney, Australia, 2017.WOS.ISTP/CPCI+EI

    [16]J. Zhang*, L. Li, D. G. Dorrell, Y. Guo, "Direct Torque Control with a Modified Switching Table for a Direct Matrix Converter based AC Motor Drive System,"20th International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems(ICEMS2017), Sydney, Australia, 2017.WOS.ISTP/CPCI+EI

    [17]J. Zhang*, L. Li, D. G. Dorrell, "D-q coupling suppressed pid controller for the transmission line power flow control using a matrix converter,"The 42nd Annual Conference of IEEE Industrial Electronics Society(IECON 2016), pp. 6249 – 6254, Florence, Italy, 2016.WOS.ISTP/CPCI+EI

    [18]J. Zhang*, D. G. Dorrell, L. Li, "Applications of the Direct Space Vector Modulation Controlled Matrix Converter as the Unified Power Flow Controller,"The 8th International Conference on Power Electronics, Machines and Drives(PEMD 2016), pp. 1-6, Glasgow, UK, 2016.EI

    [19]J. Zhang*, D. G. Dorrell, L. Li, A. Argha, "A novel sliding mode controller for DC-DC boost converters under input/load variations,"The 41st Annual Conference of IEEE Industrial Electronics Society(IECON 2015), pp. 1698-1703, Yokohama, Japan, 2015.WOS.ISTP/CPCI+EI




    [1]张建伟,孙广泽, "一种矩阵变换器的虚拟同步发电机控制方法及系统,"发明专利,专利号:ZL202010527516.7,2023.07.14

    [2]张建伟, "一种基于直接矩阵变换器进行组网的交流微电网系统,"实用新型专利, 专利号:ZL202021056384.6, 2021.02.26.

    [3]张建伟, "一种适用于新能源发电的蓄电池稳固装置,"发明专利,专利号:ZL202210965316.9,2023.06.16

    [4]张建伟,王云辉, "一种可调节的新能源太阳能发电装置,"发明专利, 专利号:ZL202011469344.9,2022.03.01.

    [5]张建伟,王会东,“一种电力变换器散热机构,实用新型专利, 专利号:ZL202320475182.2, 2023.09.26.

    [6]张建伟,喻研,“一种光伏新能源发电装置,实用新型专利, 专利号:ZL202320475176.7, 2023.09.26.

    [7]张建伟,曹乔森,“一种新能源充电插座检测装置,实用新型专利, 专利号:ZL202222016693.6, 2023.01.06.

    [8]张建伟,曹乔森, "一种用于光伏微电网的接口结构,"实用新型专利, 专利号:ZL202022999675.5, 2021.07.13.

    [9]张建伟,王云辉, "一种电力电子模块化的散热装置,"实用新型专利, 专利号:ZL202120749558.5, 2021.11.09.

  • 上一条:张娜


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